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Swanirvar Charitable Trust (SCT)

Swanirvar Charitable Trust (SCT) is a Social Welfare Organization determined to reach out to the youth and impart professional and skilled technical education.SCT is devoted to create efficient workforce even from under privileged and economically weak people in our society irrespective of caste, gender, religion and society.

This is the TRUST from where you will get support and service regarding Skill Based Training, Industrial Training Placement.

SCT brings together all the stakeholders- Corporate, academic institutions, candidates for the common purpose of workforce development.

Message From Swanirvar Charitable Trust

As a responsible citizen, every successful person of this society should have his aim, or at least think of, returning some benefits which he is enjoying from the society.

With this idea in mind, the Swanirvar Charitable Trust (SCT) started working to locate the rural poor and deserving students who could not continue their education due to poverty and ignorance. This is an organization run by volunteers who are sincere and well established professionals and who are interested to see that every bit of donations reach the needy and brilliant students.To pull out our excellent intellects from the rural area to flourish and join with the main stream of nation building is the motto of this organization.

Our Mission

Our mission is to go to the people, reach their needs, and study their prerequisites, live with them. Start with what they are best in. Build them with what we have & make them the leaders of tomorrow with qualities of a true professional which will bring confident and establishment in the field of professional earnings (JOB). SCT’s task will be accomplished when a true professional will be created and they will believe & articulate that the pleasure is all theirs and they have done it by them.

Our Vision

To spread and enhance Technical vocational education.

Facilitate industry oriented Skill development training in Electronics, Telecom, IT-ITES, Plumbing, Retail, BFSI, Media & Animation, Travel and Tourism, Beauty and wellness, education, literature and other allied fields.

Generate truly professional workforce.

Bridging among Skill Gap and Industry demand/ requirement.

SCT Objectives